Murray's Social Studies
Influence of the American Revolutionary War on the French Revolution
The American Revolutionary War brought about a new concept in government. This government was based on Enlightenment principles. John Locke's concept of "Natural Laws" of "Life, Liberty, and Property," and that the entire purpose of government is to protect those natural rights, can be witnessed in the Declaration of Independence where our forefathers stated we have a right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Baron de Montesquieu's ideas of separation of power and checks and balances can be seen in the United States Constitiution as it became the guideline for our government on all levels.
However, the most important thing to consider, is the fact that France spent massive amounts of money and sent over their army to fight for these ideals. People like the Marquis de Lafayette, who fought right here in our hometown of Camden, SC, believed in these princlples and fought right alongside our army to bring these ideals to fruition...only to have to return back home and live under the rule of an absolute monarch. Can you see how that would have made them mad and bitter? Without France's help, the United States likely never would have been! Yet these soldiers got none of the rewards and changes this victory brought about.